Run. Jog. Walk. Build Community. Girls Only! Gab. Look Cute.
Yes, running like a girl is bad-ass, and that’s what I’m here to help you believe.
10+ Years of Competitive Running
For a more formal introduction?
Siena Palicke, B.S. Microbiology; Division 1 Runner at UCLA and Texas A&M; Mile PR of 4:54
I’m a life long competitive runner who’s deeply passionate about helping girls find their place in the running community & giving them the confidence to become a forever runner.
If you like free momentum, here you go!
10 Ways to Actually Start Running
Learn 10 simple, yet often overlooked ways to get into running. Becoming a runner, in theory, is simple. All you do is strap on the running shoes and step outside. But, by considering things like your shoes, chunking your runs into smaller segments or creating a goal, running will be so much easier.